Project Highlights

Game of Life project preview

Game of Life

I built this implementation of John Conway's classic cellular-automaton, zero player game during the Computer Science portion of my time at Lambda School. The game was built in React and styled using reactstrap. The game grid is created and animated using canvas with random colors, which was tricky to do with React, but was fun to figure out.

CarPal project preview


This product is the culmination of my Lambda School Labs experience, an extended group collaboration of 7 Software Engineers and 1 Data Scientist. I worked across both front and backend, implementing db architecture, authentication, and MapBox. This project was a real joy to work on, I had such a great team and learned a ton of exciting new technologies.

Key Conservation project preview

Key Conservation

I have a background in Conservation Biology, so I was very excited to create this conservation fundraising and networking app during two separate "build weeks" at Lambda School. I built this project from the ground up to create a React web app with Redux state management, and corresponding RESTful API using Node.js and Postgres.

Waxcreative Design project preview

Waxcreative Design

I was the lead developer on this project and rebuilt our company site to align with modern accessibility practices and web standards to serve as our new best-practices standard at Wax. I utilized SCSS to create DRY styling, and implemented custom fields and php scripting to optimize maintainability through WordPress.

Water My Plants project preview

Water My Plants

Water My Plants was a project that came out of a "build week" at Lambda School. I worked with two other React developers to create this fully responsive single page app with components, events, and hooks. My focus was on the "My Plants" and "Profile" pages, as well as on styling using material-ui.

Monkerator project preview


It's embarrasing to admit this, but this was one of the first apps I wanted to make when I started coding. Monk is my comfort show, and anytime I'm traveling I turn on the hotel room TV hoping to catch a random episode or two. I created this React app using the TMDb API and utilized Redux to manage state.

Guidr project preview


Guidr was the result of a "build week" collaboration with two classmates at Lambda School. Guidr is an app that helps backcountry guides share their private and professional trips. I created the entire marketing page, including the identity and responsive sidenav.

Anna and JC project preview

Anna and JC are Getting Married

I designed and created the flexbox framework and html markup for this site. This was my first site designed, hosted, and deployed for a client, and was created in two days in order for the client to send out their save the dates in time.

Clay St Coop project preview

Clay Street Coop

I created this site to showcase a (now defunct) live stream of my backyard chickens. I based my framework and design off of a similar project in Jonas Schmedtmann's Advanced CSS Udemy course, but implemented many new features, including a collapsing fullpage "egg" nav menu with JavaScript.

Solstice Camp project preview

Solstice Camp

I created the flexbox framework and html markup for this site. This project was a collaboration with Mikhail Twarogowski, who did the design work, and my first collaboration carried out using GitHub. This was my first full flexbox site. I also utilized a Google Form and styled it so it responsively scaled with the page.